Hello 2022

Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021!

2021 was unexpected. Many things happened and some of them are game changer of my life :D let's live up to see what'll happen in 2022 now !

The End of On Job Training (internship)

I was assigned to be Software Quality Improvement team member of PT. Bank Central Asia IT team. In this team, me and my team are responsible to maintain Klik BCA Bisnis - Integrated Solution as it is one of the biggest corporate banking software offered by BCA. I couldn't lie but it all felt so fast (maybe the pandemic new normal life played a small role in that). It was 8 months in total and i learned aaa lootttttt of new things there. Starting from new hard skill of working in office environment to soft skills and social skills to interact with co-workers.

Job Placement Time! New Team

My internship period ended at the end of February 2021. 1st April 2021 is gonna be my first day as an official employee! This time, i'm thrilled to join a new team in another division here at BCA. I'm placed at the Cyber Security Team! Honestly, it's my biggest dream to work in cyber security team as i'm really fond into cyber security. In this team, i also meet new friends with new office environments!. My team responsibility is to maintain the system and application security of all the consumer product offered by BCA.

New Job, New Experience

I learned a lot since i first joined this new team. To be honest, I am very grateful with this team. Big shouts to all the Security Team of BCA ! U guys r rock !! I enjoy every day I work in this new team. We also have annual team engagement events that we call "outing". In this event, all of us go somewhere to have vacation, relieve our stresses and know each other even better. This year, we all went to Pulau H at Kepulauan Seribu. It was an amazing experience to have beach vacation with all my co-workers and bosses :D

End of Year

Just as last year, covid is still our main problem in 2021. Social distancing, online events and all the restriction are still in charges during the whole year. There are no Old and New events, no concerts and just a few fireworks. Mall are obliged to close at 9PM to prevent crowd. But let's face 2022 to be a better year of recovery !


Although we all passed 2021 with covid pandemic still with us (that means it's not normal yet). 2021 still the best year of my life. It is the year when I get my first job and even better.. it is my dream job ! Let's be grateful that we all can pass this year and we can greet the new year of 2022. Let's hope that this year will be recovery of the pandemic and all the problems that covid has caused. Cheers for 2022 !